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Wolkenstein Castle

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High medieval castle that was at least partially inhabited until 1750, despite the extensive structural damage that was already there at the time. As was often the case in Styria, the final end of the complex was marked by the roof tax imposed by Emperor Joseph II. Around 1850, this former second largest castle in Styria can be considered to have fallen into disrepair. The first mention of the castle dates back to 1099 - but it is suspected that it was a refuge castle as early as the 9th century. The oldest part of the complex is the keep, the remains of which still exist today and which certainly existed in the 12th century.

Now it would be nice to be able to say that the medieval (love) singer, poet, composer and politician Oswald von Wolkenstein also lived in Wolkenstein Castle. But that is not the case. He lived in Wolkenstein Castle in South Tyrol at least for a time.

The current ruins have been and are being preserved by the local castle association and are therefore freely accessible and a popular tourist destination.

Virtual Tour


Historical Views

Ruine Wolkenstein 2024
Picture taken in summer 2024
Burg Wolkenstein 1830
Steyermärkischen Städte, Märkte und Schlösser, Graz 1824-1833
Burg Wolkenstein 1680
Burg Wolkenstein um 1680 nach Georg Matthäus Vischer. Eine Anmerkung zu den Beschriftungen am unteren Bildrand:
„Atrost Scul:“ = „Gestochen von Andreas Trost“. Vischer hat viele der Kupferstiche nicht selbst erzeugt sondern die Ausfertigung etwas begabteren Kupferstechern übergeben. In diesem Fall Andreas Trost.
„Vischer Delin:“ = „Skizziert von Vischer“. Vischer selbst fertigte die Skizze im Gelände an.

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